Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


Diambil dari novel bestseller dgn judul yg sama karya Andera Hirata


Adalah seorang guru bernama Balia yang menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi Ikal, Arai dan Jimbron. Kelas Balia membawa mereka pada keajaiban ilmu pengetahuan dan luasnya kehidupan, tempat yang memberi mereka nafas untuk keluar dari tekanan hidup.  Balia membarakan semangat mereka untuk menjelajahi Eropa dan bagian dunia lain untuk mengarungi kehidupan. Namun,  pada saat yang sama, mereka harus menghadapi sikap keras Pak Mustar, sang kepala sekolah. Kontras dengan sikap Balia, Pak Mustar adalah seorang guru yang menerapkan cara didik dengan pola hukuman bagi yang lalai

Problematika yang mereka hadapi tak hanya soal sekolah dan bertahan hidup, tapi juga cinta, satu hal yang tak mungkin mereka hindari di kehidupan remaja. Cinta Arai pada Zakiah Nurmala menggiringnya menjadi seorang penyanyi dadakan dengan berguru  pada Bang Zaitun, seorang pemusik Melayu keliling. Jimbron jatuh hati dengan Laksmi,  gadis pemurung pekerja pabrik cincau yang tak pernah tersenyum sejak orang tuanya meninggal. Ikal  tertarik pada gambar wanita molek dari  reklame sebuah film Indonesia di bioskop

Tetapi, kebimbangan Ikal akan hidup dan masa depan membuatnya patah arang dan berusaha menghapus impiannya bersekolah ke Eropa bersama Arai. Ikal yang dulu seolah memiliki semangat baru, menjadi Ikal yang tenggelam dalam keputusasaan dan menyisakan kekecewaan yang dalam di hati sang ayah yang sangat membanggakan dirinya sejak kecil

Rasa bersalah terhadap sang ayah membuat Ikal bangkit, dan para pemimpi pun kembali berlari bersama. Satu persatu simpul-simpul kesulitan hidup untuk mencapai mimpi mereka buka. Cita-cita, harapan, dan cinta. Dengan tambahan bekal dari tabungan Jimbron, Ikal dan Arai melanjutkan hidup untuk merajut mimpi. Namun, setelah gelar sarjana diraih, Arai menghilang. Tinggalah Ikal sendirian mengadu nasib sambil mengejar mimpi. Sanggupkah ia meraih mimpinya tanpa kehadiran Arai?

Mulai Main di Bioskop: 17 Desember 2009

Jenis Film : Drama
Produser : Mira Lesmana
Produksi : Miles Film & Mizan Productions
Durasi : 128 menit

Pemain :
  • Lukman Sardi
  • Mathias Muchus
  • Nugie
  • Landung Simatupang
  • Rieke Dyah Pitaloka
  • Yayu Unru
  • Vikri Septiawan
  • Rendy Ahmad
  • Azwir Fitrianto
  • Jay Wijayanto
  • Nazril Irham

Sutradara : 
  • Riri Riza

Penulis :
  • Salman Aristo
  • Mira Lesmana
  • Riri Riza

cr. 21Cineplex


OST Laskar Pelangi - Soundtrack film "Laskar Pelangi" karya Giring dan Nidji, membuat Mira Lesmana selaku produser film dan musik, agak kesulitan untuk mengumpulkan 12 lagu untuk soundtrack film "Sang Pemimpi". Beruntung, grup band GIGI mengirimkan tiga lagu dan tanpa ragu memilih salah satu lagunya sebagai theme song.

"GIGI mengirimkan tiga lagu dan tanpa ragu saya memilih salah satu lagunya sebagai theme song, karena begitu mendengarnya saya langsung merasakan aura Sang Pemimpi," kata Mira dalam jumpa persnya di Hard Rock Cafe, Jakarta, Senin (23/11).

Simak saja liriknya, "Sambut hari baru di depanmu/sang pemimpi siap tuk melangkah/raih tanganku jika kau ragu/bila terjatuh ku kan menjaga/kita telah berjanji bersama/taklukkan dunia ini/menghadapi segala tantangan bersama/mengejar mimpi-mimpi..."

Lagu tersebut menjadi pembuka album Sang Pemimpi hasil kerjasama Miles Music dan Trinity Optima Production.

Menariknya, tembang 'Apatis' karya Inggrid Widjanarko, yang merupakan Lagu Tercantik album Lomba Cipta Lagu Remaja Prambors 1978, diaransemen ulang serta dinyanyikan oleh Ipang.

Suara 'renyah' Ipang yang berkarakter serta teknik falsetto, membuat lagu ini menjadi indah. Sangat berbeda dengan lagu 'Teruslah Bermimpi', yang dibawakan Ipang dengan sentuhan intro gitar akustik, kemudian piano dan drum sebagai penguat harmoni.

Itu belum seberapa, silakan dengar tembang 'Cinta Gila' ala Ungu. Tembang karya Andrea Hirata itu dengan apik, terkesan melayu, riang dan nakal dilantunkan oleh Ungu. Asal tahu saja, biasanya Ungu tak pernah membawakan lagu karya orang lain. Makanya, untuk menguarkan karakter Ungu, secara khusus lagu tersebut diaransemen oleh Pasha CS.

Beralih ke 'Komidi Putar', ciptaan Bonita dan Kritina Wiriastuti dengan nyawa minimalis. Didukung suara akordeon dan piano, tembang semakin asik didengar karena karakter melodi dan liriknya yang kuat.

Secara keseluruhan, album ini layak untuk diperdengarkan sebelum Anda menyaksikan filmnya. Asal tahu saja, para pendukung film terutama Rendy Ahmad, turut sumbang suara di album ini. Begitu pula dengan Claudia Sinaga serta Maudy Ayunda.

"Harapannya, semoga bisa merasakan taste pertama Sang Pemimpi sebelum filmnya diputar. Dan juga bisa merasakan passionate terhadap musik di album ini," tutup Mira.

cr. astaga.com


01. Gigi - Sang Pemimpi
02. Ipang - Apatis
03. Ungu - Cinta Gila
04. Claudia Sinaga - Ini Mimpiku
05. Jay Wijayanto - Rentak 106
06. Ipang - Teruslah Bermimpi
07. Rendy - Zakiah Nurmala
08. Silentium - Para Pemimpi
09. Bonita - Komidi Putar (Coming soon)
10. Rendy - Fatwa Pujangga
11. Maudy, Rendy, Claudia - Mengejar Mimpi
12. NineBall - Tetaplah Berdiri
13. Ungu - Cinta Gila (Bonus Version)


Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

[Indo Sub] SS501 - Quiz! 6th Senses [8-8]

[Indo Sub] SS501 - Quiz! 6th Senses [8-8]

cr. KoreanWaveIndo

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8


I Don't Love You

The Black Parade (2006)

 Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay

And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can
Whoa, whooa

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Well come on, come on

When you go
Would you have the guts to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you

THE BLACK PARADE (2006) - My Chemical Romance

01 The End
02 Dead
03 This Is How I Disappear
04 The Sharpest Lives
05 Welcome To The Black Parade
06 I Don't Love You
07 House Of Wolves
08 Cancer
09 Mama
10 Sleep
11 Teenagers
12 Disenchanted
13 Famous Last Words

Hidden Track:
14 Blood

 Download Here

- 4shared -


Rain Berniat Keliling Indonesia
Indonesia adalah negara pertama yang dikunjungi Rain dalam perjalanan turnya.


Selasa, 1 Desember 2009, 18:58 WIB
Irina Damayanti, Gestina Rachmawati

VIVAnews - Aktor fenomenal Rain dari Korea Selatan, mengaku senang bisa mengunjungi Indonesia untuk yang kedua kalinya. Artis muda berbakat ini pernah berkunjung ke Indonesia tahun 2007.

Walau tidak banyak diliput media, pengemar anak muda ini di Indonesia ternyata luar biasa besar. Tiket konsernya sudah ludes dan filmnya ditonton banyak orang.

Rain datang ke Indonesia dalam rangka tour keliling Asia. Dan Indonesia merupakan negara pertama yang disinggahi Rain dalam tur Asianya. Rain sendiri mengaku sudah jatuh hati dengan negeri ini.

"Saya suka negara tropis, saya ingin berkeliling Indonesia dan ingin mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah juga. Kalo punya waktu banyak, pasti saya akan melakukannya, sayang waktu saya disini tidak banyak," paparnya dalam jumpa pers, di Ritz Carlton, Selasa sore, 1 Desember 2009.

Kedatangan Rain ke Jakarta juga disambut dengan derasnya hujan. Hal ini pun menjadi turut dikait-kaitkan dengan nama Rain, yang dalam bahasa inggris berarti hujan.

Dan dalam jumpa persnya dia juga bercerita soal hujan itu. "Dimanapun saya pergi, tetap ada hujan turun, mungkin karena nama saya Rain," ujarnya sambil tertawa, menimpali pertanyaan para juru warta.

Jeong Ji-Hoo, begitu nama aslinya, lahir di Seoul, Korea Selatan, 25 Juni 1982. Walau semasa kecil dikenal sebagai bocah pemalu, Rain sangat mengemari dunia menari yang menuntut keberanian untuk beraksi.

Bakat menarinya mulai mencuat dalam acara show talent di sekolahnya. Walau nilai mata pelajaran sekolah  tidak begitu menggembiarakan, prestasinya di dunia tarian melesat bak meteor.

Bakatnya itu kian terasah setelah dia masuk di Anyang High School of Arts. Tidak hanya menari, suaranya juga renyah dan memikat banyak pengemar. Pamornya sebagai penyanyi kian mencorong setelah dia bergabung dengan boysband Fan Club tahun 1998. Lagunya yang paling sohor adalah In Search of a Dream.

Belakangan band itu redup, tapi Rain justru kian menyala lewat solo karir. Album Bad Guy yang dibesut 2002 meledak dan semenjak itulah nama Rain mulai melejit.

Sukses di dunia tarik suara, anak muda ini merangsek ke dunia drama. Sejumlah serial drama yang melejit antara lain Sang Doo, Let’s Go To School.

Mereguk sukses di dunia tarik suara dan serial drama, kini Rain meroket di dunia film. Film anyernya Ninja Assasin, sedang diputar di hampir semua bioskop di Jakarta dengan penonton yang membludak. Sukses di tiga dunia: menari, film dan tarik suara menambah pamornya. Dan karena kemasyurannya itu, dia dijuluki Justin Timberlake-nya Asia.

Namun anak muda ini tetap rendah hati.  Dan boleh jadi, sikap itulah yang membuat pengemarnya tak pernah pergi ke lain hati.

Dalam jumpa persnya di Jakarta sore ini, dia menyapa para fansnya dengan penuh kehangatan, “ Akhirnya saya berada di sini. Saya senang sekali.” Dia berusaha dekat dengan para pengemarnya di sini dan terbata-bata menyapa dalam bahasa Indonesia, “Halo, apa kabar.”
• VIVAnews



Q: What do you think when you saw the rain was pouring down at the airport when you landed?
A: Everywhere I go it always rains. (& Surprisingly, when the PC started, it also pouring rain in Jakarta)
Q: For the movie role Ninja Assasins, you did amazingly in building your musles. Do you intend to work out like that to maintain that well build body?
A: Yes, of course. Until I got married, I will concentrate on other things.... (Too noisy... too bad I can't catch what the translator explain after that!)

Photo credit and Eng trans: Matahari_Biru@soompi/ssusita@LJ
Posted by angelordevil@RainHK


Rain Senang Disambut Hujan di Indonesia

Selasa, 01/12/2009 18:50 WIB
Eny Kartikawati - detikhot

Rain (ist)
Jakarta Penyanyi asal Korea, Rain menginjakkan kakinya di Indonesia, Senin (30/11/2009) jelang tengah malam. Rain senang kedatangannya disambut hujan.

"Ke manapun saya pergi memang selalu hujan," begitu kata Rain dalam jumpa pers di Hotel Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Selasa (1/12/2009).

Dituturkan bintang "Ninja Assasin" itu, dirinya memang sudah sejak lama ingin datang ke Indonesia. Rain mengaku sangat suka negara tropis seperti Indonesia.

"Saya ingin sekali keliling Indonesia tapi belum ada waktu," tuturnya.

Rain direncanakan menggelar konsernya di JITEC, Mangga Dua, Jakarta, 3 Desember mendatang. Untuk konsernya nanti bintang serial 'Full House' berjanji memberikan yang terbaik.

Dalam jumpa pers Selasa (1/12/2009) ini, Rain sempat menjawab seputar wajib militer yang harus dijalaninya. Sekadar informasi, di Korea, setiap pria dewasa yang sehat memang harus menjalani wajib militer. Bagaimana dengan Rain?

"Memang saya harus ikut wajib militer. Tapi setelah itu saya akan tetap menjadi artis," jawabnya.

Sebelum menjalani wajib militer, Rain pun masih punya banyak rencana. Di antaranya, ia akan konser di Jepang dan Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat.




Selasa, 01/12/2009 00:29 WIB

Yulia Dian - detikhot

Jakarta Penyanyi sekaligus aktor asal Korea, Rain tiba di Jakarta untuk menggelar konser turnya. Rain pun disambut histeris teriakan para fansnya.

Pria bernama asli Jung Ji-Hoon itu tiba di bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Cengkareng sekitar pukul 23.20 WIB. Kedatangan Rain telah dinantikan penggemarnya sejak sore hari.

Pantauan detikhot di lapangan, pesawat China Airways CI679 yang ditumpangi Rain memang terlambat. Pesawat awalnya dijadwalkan mendarat pukul 20.20 WIB.

Hal tersebut akhirnya juga ikut mempengaruhi kondisi fisik bintang 'Ninja Assassin' tersebut. Ia tak sempat berhenti untuk menyapa penggemarnya yang sudah lama menunggu.

Rain datang mengenakan celana jeans, kaos putih, topi pet abu-abu, syal merah, kacamata hitam juga headphone yang melingkar di kepalanya. Sesekali Rain melambaikan tangannya dan melempar senyum.

Penjagaan super ketat sudah disiapkan untuk Rain. Ketika hendak keluar dari pintu terminal 2E, Rain sempat tersandung karena desakan para penggemar juga jalan yang sempit.

Namun semua bisa diatasi. Rain langsung digiring menuju mobil Alphard silver bernomor polisi B7RI yang telah disiapkan promotor W Production.

Konser Rain rencananya akan digelar pada 3 Desember mendatang bertempat di JITEC, Mangga Dua, Jakarta Utara. Konser ini adalah rangkaian panjang 'Rainism Concert Tour'.

Selasa, 24 November 2009



(Password khusus untuk part 3: mediafiremoviez.com)
Part 4
Part 5

Movie Info:
Judul: The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Director: Chris Weitz
Release: 20 November 2009 (USA)
Format File: Matroska (MKV)
Genre:  Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller
File Size:  400MB
Resolusi:  720x304
Bahasa:  English
Subtittle: No Sub
Durasi Asli:  02:01:19 (Source Run-time)
Durasi Setelah Rilis: 01:22:00 (Ending Credits Already Cut in Source)
Sumber: The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) Telesync (TS)

Senin, 23 November 2009

2PM Anycall Corby Interview (engsub)

2PM Anycall Corby Interview (engsub)
cr. time2sub3 

SS501 "Love Like This" Won First Place on MuBank 091120

SS501 "Love Like This" Won First Place on MuBank 091120

SS501 "Love Like This" Performance on Music Bank 091120

cr. shirbogurl2

Jumat, 20 November 2009

[Eng Sub] SS501 - Quiz! 6th Senses

[Eng Sub] SS501 - Quiz! 6th Senses

 Sbenernya ada 8 part, tp sepertinya baru di sub sampe part 4 aja deh
kalau dh selesai di sub, nti aq update lagi

(INDO sub) SS501 @ Champagne 071109

Chinguuu who's loving SS501 much..
KoreanWaveIndo at Youtube dah baek banged mau ngesub Champagne 7 November kemarin

Semua Pengisi Acara

Perform Love Like This
Tetep keren meskipun stagenya terbatas


Hyun Joong Caps
Leader mengaku klo dirinya pernah lupa gerakan dance

 Anggota Keluarga Member SS501
Kyu Joong & Hyung Joon Baby Caps
Sbenarnya ada foto kecil Hyun Joong, Young Saeng & Jung Min,tapi gak ke caps
Mianhe ^_^v

Cute Pose By Member SS501
Smua lucu2, tapi Jungmin kurang kreatif, posenya mirip ma Kyu

credit. yukimuraichi.blogspot

credit. KoreanWaveIndo

Rabu, 11 November 2009

11/03 [diary] JungMin, 'YoungSaengie hyung Happy Birthday!! ^0^'

Credits : SS501.dspenter.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com


Title : YoungSaengie hyung Happy Birthday!! ^0^
Date/time : 2009-11-03 12:59:31AM

Because I keep my promise...!
Whew...I actually wanted to post this at exactly 12am but the computer has some problems... TT TT
So in the end I couldn't...So I borrowed from my nuna and is writing with difficulties now..!
Why must we have so many installations in our homepage..!!
So frustrating.

In any case............!
Happy birthday~~Happy birthday~
My dear YoungSaengie hyung!! Happy birthday!~~Hwuuuu ^0^
Now that I know my password, I will continue until I forget it!!
Our Triple S!! I am always very thankful to you~~
It is only the beginning now~~~! Please support us lots in the future~~!!

Yesterday was our stylist Yuri nuna's birthday.....
Everyone is growing up together....Our backs are also hunching together....
So terrible... TT TT

Ah....I've gone into some weird place again...
Oh...please hold yourself not to text message or give a call during late hours...
I really want to ask leader to hit you 100 times if we really get to see you...!
Leader really can hit very steadily and well...

Ahhh...ending should be a nice one..!
Everyone please stay healthy, I will always come to play often.
Do well because I am watching...
ZaiJian... (bye in Chinese)
Matane~~! (bye in Japanese)
See you next time~!! (English in Koreanised form)

Credits : SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com

This message is one since 2 years 7 months...i wrote it like this...
You should watch Grease earlier.. tsk tsk you missed a good one
Congratulate lots for YoungSaengie hyung’s birthday... Our man YoungSaengie hyung!! Kekekeke
It’s been 2 years 7 months.....Woahh ^^
Quickly go to sleep... I am going to sleep now~~ ^0^
Woah~~there is also Philippine fans..^^ Thank you.....
Çã´À´ÔÀº Âɲû ¤·¤²´Ù....¤»¤»¤» (dont understand this one, so cant translate)
Èå±ÔÈå±Ô~!! (dont understand this one, so cant translate)
Why u use informal language!!! Come on
I am posting it once the computer gets going~~Sorry sorry to make you wait for 1 hour
Come on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
Ah...right...but our nuna’s computer doesn’t have any other language options besides English, even if it has, I don’t know how to use it so omitted.. keke
Well!! Congratulate JaeYongie hyung for his birthday too. Our dancer hyung ^^
Hitting 100 times will definitely break your head...keke
Ahhh...catching a virus? Me? TT TT TT
I’m not going to do Grease not going to do~~~~too bad for those who didn’t watch!
Are you reading~ matane is Japanese! It’s...see you again?
Anyways, seems like everyone is getting too excited...I am going to sleep now because I have to work tomorrow
Have a sweet dream everyone, have a mass dream of our manager...(pig dram. Ke,ke)
Good night~~~~~~~~~~~~~^0^ Annyong

Jumat, 06 November 2009


SS501 Mini Album - Rebirth (Normal Edition)
Harga: US$11.49 
IDR: 110,677.43
Isi= CD + Poster + Booklet

SS501 Mini Album - Rebirth (Special Edition) (Limited Edition)
Harga: US$29.99 
IDR: 288,878.67
Isi= CD + Bonus 2 Poster + PhotoDiary

Rebirth (Taiwan Limited Edition) (Version B) (Preorder Version)
Harga: US$20.99 
IDR: 202,186.17
Isi= CD

Rebirth (Taiwan Limited Edition) (Version A) (CD+DVD) (Preorder Version)
Harga: US$22.99 
IDR: 221,451.17
Isi=CD + Bonus DVD


Harga Mini album ini menurut  YesAsia  US$29.99 atau sekitar Rp 288.878.67
wew.. fantastic banged yah..

album find kmaren aj gw beli nitip sm tmn yg kebetulan suka jualan2 190,200 lah sama ongkirnya
mikir2 sribu kali nii pesen di YA.

mana pengeluaran bln ini so tight!!
lg ngejar point tupperware, pluuuus banyak kondangan.. dompet bener2 tiris banged.. *glek

mau nyari yg versi hongkong aja deh di WOM Taman Anggrek, klo gak di sangaji Sency.
mudah2an ada, mupeng bgt ma album ini. ga tau knapa, lagu2nya menyihir gw. enyak enyak.

secara lg desprated ma dongbang, kasus ini membunuh kuuu..
ni kasus bener2 bkn gw kehilangan selera untuk update ttg mereka..
pdhal gw sayaang banged ma minnie.. dan smua member si..
jadi butuh sesuatu yg bs bikin smangat
untungnya album ini lumayan membangkitkan semangat gw..

Kamis, 05 November 2009


091101 Young Saeng 24th Birthday Celebration

Rabu, 04 November 2009


Romanizations, translations by GENESIS @ Soompi forums



번이라도 돌아봐

이대로 보낼 없어

모든게 오해였다는 너도 알거야

우습게 들린다는 말도

이해 없단 표정도

괜찮아 그러니 놓지만 말아줘

보낼 수도 떠날 수도 없다는 것을 알잖아

거칠게 돌아선 너의 눈빛

까맣게 타버린 나의 심장

미친듯 소리치는 버리려고

하지 말아줘 제발

이대로 돌아서 없어

이렇게 절대 보낼 없어

죽을 매달리는 떠나려고

남은 맘은 wasteland

모든게 잘못됐던 거야

아무렇지 않은 듯이 그렇게

차갑게 돌아서는 없어 참을 없어

지쳐가든 미쳐가든 끝까지 너를 붙잡고 있어

거칠게 돌아선 너의 눈빛

까맣게 타버린 나의 심장

미친듯 소리치는 버리려고

하지 말아줘 제발

이대로 돌아서 없어

이렇게 절대 보낼 없어

죽을듯 매달리는 떠나려고

남은 맘은 wasteland

떠나는 너의 마음은 이제 frozen heart

찢겨진 나의 가슴은 이제 borken heart

영원히 없게 버린 같아

where is she? where is she now..

지독한 마음은 어쩔 수가 없어

없이 살아 있어도 죽은거 같은데

아직도 매일 붙잡는 꿈을

where do you go? where do you go..

거칠게 돌아선 너의 눈빛

까맣게 타버린 나의 심장

미친듯 소리치는 버리려고

하지 말아줘 제발

이대로 돌아서 없어

이렇게 절대 보낼 없어

죽을 매달리는 떠나려고

맘은 wasteland

결국 맘은 wasteland

결국 맘은 wasteland

맘은 wasteland..

where is she go



tan hanbeonirado tolabwajweo idaero neol ponael su eopseo
keu modeunge ohaeyeottdaneun geol neodo alkeoya

ch'am useupge teullindaneun maldo, teo ihae hal su eoptdan p'yojeongdo
ta kwaench'anha keureoni nae son nohjiman malajweo

neol ponael sudo neol tteonal sudo nan eoptdaneun keoseul chal aljanha...

keoch'ilge toraseon neoui nunpich''
kkamanhke t'abeorin naui simjang
mich'indeut sorich'ineun nal peoriryeogo
haji malajweo chepal....
idaero toraseo kal sun eopseo
ireohke cheortae ponael sun eopseo
chugeul teut maedarinneun nal tteonaryeogo
nameun nae mameun WASTELAND

i modeunge chalmotdwaettdeon keoya, amureohji anheun teusi keureohke
ch'agapke toraseoneun neol teo pul su eopseo ch'ameul su eopseo

Jich'yeogadeun na tto mich'yeogadeun kkeut'kkaji neoreul put'chapgo isseo...

keoch'ilge toraseon neoui nunpich''
kkamanhke t'abeorin naui simjang
mich'indeut sorich'ineun nal peoriryeogo
haji malajweo chepal....
idaero toraseo kal sun eopseo
ireohke cheortae ponael sun eopseo
chugeul teut maedarinneun nal tteonaryeogo
nameun nae mameun WASTELAND

tteonaneun neoui maeumeun ije FROZEN HEART
jjit''kyeojin naui kaseumeun ijen BROKEN HEART
yeongweonhi pul su eoptke dwae beorin keot kat'a
Where is she? Where is she now...?
chidokhan nae maeumeun eojjeol suga eopseo
neo eopsi sala isseodo chogeungeo kat'eunde
ajikdo maeil bam neol put'chapneun kkumeul kkweo
Where do you go? Where do you go...

keoch'ilge toraseon neoui nunpich''
kkamanhke t'abeorin naui simjang
mich'indeut sorich'ineun nal peoriryeogo
haji malajweo chepal....
idaero toraseo kal sun eopseo
romani zation by genesis at soompi
ireohke cheortae ponael sun eopseo
chugeul teut maedarinneun nal tteonaryeogo...

nae mameun WASTELAND
kyeolguk nae mameun WASTELAND
kyeolguk nae mameun WASTELAND....

nae mameun... wasteland...

Where is she go...


Just one more time turn back to me, I can't move on with you like this
you know it too, that it was all a misunderstanding
these words sound really unreal, I can't make any sense of your expression
everything's all right if it can be like this, just don't let my hand go, tell me...
I yet can't let you move on, or let you go, this I know

Force your sparkling eyes to turn away from my charred black heart
I'm screaming in distraught, don't abandon me
Don't say it, I beg you...
I can't turn back like this, I absolutely cannot move on like this
you've left the last of me here to die
the last of my heart is a wasteland...

It had all gone so wrong, nothing went like it should
you've become so coldhearted, I can't watch you anymore, I can't even stand it
this exuastion of mine, this craziness must end but you make it so I cannot!

Force your sparkling eyes to turn away from my charred black heart
I'm screaming in distraught, don't abandon me
Don't say it, I beg you...
I can't turn back like this, I absolutely cannot move on like this
you've left the last of me here to die
the last of my heart is a wasteland...

your heart has been left now as a frozen heart
my chest has been torn up now I've a broken heart
trans lation by genesis at soompi forums
we're abandoning this, never to see eachother forever now
where is she? where is she now...
my damned heart cannot help it,
living without you is no better than being dead
still every night, I dream of holding you...

Force your sparkling eyes to turn away from my charred black heart
I'm screaming in distraught, don't abandon me
Don't say it, I beg you...
I can't turn back like this, I absolutely cannot move on like this
you've left the last of me here to die
the last of my heart is a wasteland...

My heart is a wasteland...
in the end it's a wasteland...
to the end it's a wasteland...
my heart is a wasteland...

where is she go...



형준] Hey Girl, 이젠 너를 보여줘 내게
그만 너의 맘을
Won’t you, my girl (my girl)

[정민] 항상 망설이는 정말 바보
정말 너는 바보
~ 말해줘요

[규종] , 모르니
원하는 모두 가져가줘

[영생] 내게 거침 없이
떨림 없이 your love!

Love, 내게 . , like this.
So Love, 기다린 너란 girl
True love, 다가와 like this.
One Love, 내게 내게로

Love, 내게 . , like this.
So Love, 기다린 너란 girl
True love, 다가와 like this.
One Love, 내게 내게로

[정민] Hey Girl! 오늘 따라 예뻐 보여.
맘의 Key~주인 바로 Girl~

[현중] 떠올리면, 나는 너무 떨려
소중한 바로 나의 Baby Baby

[형준] , 모르니,
원하는 모두 가져가줘.

[영생] 필요 없어
오직 원하는 Your Love!

Love, 내게 . , like this.
So Love, 기다린 너란 girl
True love, 다가와 like this.
One Love, 내게 내게로

Love, 내게 . , like this.
So Love, 기다린 너란 girl
True love, 다가와 like this.
One Love, 내게 내게로

[현중] I need you,
[정민] You need me.
[규종] 우리는 결국 함께 꺼야
[형준] 망설이지마, 나만 따라와
[영생] 이젠~~~yeah~




Hey Girl~ ijen neoreul poyeojweo naege keuman neoui mameul
Won't you, my girl~ (my girl)
hangsang mangseorineun neon cheongmal pabo
cheongmal neoneun pabo... oh~~ malhaejweoyo!

wae, neon moreuni neon nal moreuni
neol weonhaneun nae mam modu ta kajyeogajweo

naege keoch'im eopsi tteollim eopsi, you love!

LOVE, naege wa, neon like THIS
SO LOVE, kidarin neoran GIRL
TRUE LOVE, tagawa neon LIKE THIS
ONE LOVE, neon naege, neon naegero

LOVE, naege wa, neon like THIS
SO LOVE, kidarin neoran GIRL
TRUE LOVE, tagawa neon LIKE THIS
ONE LOVE, neon naege, neon naegero

Hey Girl! oneul ttara teo yeppeo poyeo
nae mamui KEY~ chuin paro neon, GIRL~
neol tteoulrimyeon, naneun neomu tteollyeo
sojunghan neo paro naui, baby, baby!

wae, neon moreuni neon nal moreuni
neol weonhaneun nae mam modu ta kajyeogajweo

ttan geol p'iryo eopseo, ojik weonhaneun geol~ your love!

LOVE, naege wa, neon like THIS
SO LOVE, kidarin neoran GIRL
TRUE LOVE, tagawa neon LIKE THIS
ONE LOVE, neon naege, neon naegero

LOVE, naege wa, neon like THIS
SO LOVE, kidarin neoran GIRL
TRUE LOVE, tagawa neon LIKE THIS
ONE LOVE, neon naege, neon naegero

I need you~
you need me!
urineun kyeolguk hamkke hal kkeoya
romani zation by genesis at soompi
mangseorijima, naman ttarawa...
ijen ~~~ YEAH! ~

LOVE, naege wa, neon like THIS
SO LOVE, kidarin neoran GIRL
TRUE LOVE, tagawa neon LIKE THIS
ONE LOVE, neon naege, neon naegero

LOVE, naege wa, neon like THIS
SO LOVE, kidarin neoran GIRL
TRUE LOVE, tagawa neon LIKE THIS
ONE LOVE, neon naege, neon naegero



Hey girl~ now show yourself to me, has your heart stopped
Always with the hesitation, you're such a fool... really, a fool.
Oh.... tell me!

Why, don't you understand me, don't you know
I want for you to have my heart, completely all of it
For me, it's not a hard thing, I'm not nervous, YOUR LOVE!

LOVE, come with me, you like this
SO LOVE, I'll wait for you completely, girl
TRUE LOVE, come to me like this
ONE LOVE, you and me, you and me together

LOVE, come with me, you like this
SO LOVE, I'll wait for you completely, girl
TRUE LOVE, come to me like this
ONE LOVE, you and me, you and me together

Hey girl! Today you look even more pretty than before
The owner of the key to my heart can only be you
If I even have a thought of you, I become overwhelmed
You're so precious, you're only mine, baby baby!

Why, don't you understand me, don't you know
I want for you to have my heart, completely all of it
trans lation by genesis at soompi forums ect
I need no other, the only one I want is you, YOUR LOVE!

LOVE, come with me, you like this
SO LOVE, I'll wait for you completely, girl
TRUE LOVE, come to me like this
ONE LOVE, you and me, you and me together

LOVE, come with me, you like this
SO LOVE, I'll wait for you completely, girl
TRUE LOVE, come to me like this
ONE LOVE, you and me, you and me together

I need you~
you need me!
in the end, we will be together
have no hesitation, follow only I...
now... yeah!

LOVE, come with me, you like this
SO LOVE, I'll wait for you completely, girl
TRUE LOVE, come to me like this
ONE LOVE, you and me, you and me together

LOVE, come with me, you like this
SO LOVE, I'll wait for you completely, girl
TRUE LOVE, come to me like this
ONE LOVE, you and me, you and me together


o3. 하루만 - ONLY ONE DAY


네가 떠나던 뒷모습을
아직 잊을수없어
그토록 아껴왔던 너였기에

시간이 해결해줄거라던
친구들의 위로들도
너의 기억을 묻기엔 부족해

끝없이 반복되는 여행
다시 찾는
바람에 실린 너의 목소리
잊을 있니

하루 하루가
너없는 하루가
어제처럼 추억이 되어
너무 힘들게 하지만

하루 하루만
손이 너의 눈물을 닦을 수만 있다면
그때는 말할게
My Everything

잊을 없는 지난 추억이
기나긴 밤을 숨기고
잔인한 시간마저 멈출때면

지키지 못했던 약속 위에
수북히 쌓인 먼지들을
남몰래 눈물로 적셔 닦곤해

수많은 인파 일상에서
다시 찾는
사랑했던 나의 목소리
잊을 있니

하루 하루가
너없는 하루가
어제처럼 추억이 되어
너무 힘들게 하지만

하루 하루만
손이 너의 눈물을 닦을 수만 있다면
그때는 말할게
My Everything

운명의 갈림길 속에
조각난 꿈이라고 해도
I wish I can bring your back again

하루 하루만
다시 있다면

기나긴 기도가
너를 되돌릴 있다면

전할 없었던
가슴 깊은 가득했던
말하지 못한

그때는 말할게

하루 하루만
손이 너의 눈물을 닦을 수만 있다면
그때는 말할게
You are my everything

마지막 용기를 받아줘...

o3. . 하루만 - ONLY ONE DAY


nega tteonadeon keu toetmoseubeul, ajik nan icheul su eopseo
keut'orok akkyeowattdeon neoyeottgi-e

sigani haekyeol haejurgeoradeon, ch'ingudeului wirodeuldo
neoui kieogeul mutkien pujokhae

kkeut'eopsi panbokdoeneun yeohaeng sok, nal dasi ch'at''neun geol
parame sillin neoui moksori, icheul su ittni...

haru haru ga...
neo eoptneun i haruga... eojech'eoreom ch'ueogi doe-eo
neomu himdeulge hajiman...
haru tan haruman
nae soni neoui nunmuleul takkeul suman ittdamyeon
keuttaeneun malhalke...
My everything...

icheul su eoptneun chinan ch'ueogi, kinagin bameul sumgigo
chaninhan siganmajeo meomch'ulttaemyeon

chik'iji mothaettdeon yaksok wie, subuki ssahin meonjideureul
nammollae nunmullo cheoksyeo takkgonhae...

sumanheun inp'a sok ilsangeseo, neol dasi ch'at''neun geon
neol saranghaettdeon naui moksori... icheul su ittni...

haru haru ga...
neo eoptneun i haruga... eojech'eoreom ch'ueogi doe-eo
neomu himdeulge hajiman...
haru tan haruman
nae soni neoui nunmuleul takkeul suman ittdamyeon
keuttaeneun malhalke...
My everything...

i unmyeongui kallimgil soge... chogaknan kkumirago haedo
I wish I can bring you back again...
haru tan haruman, neol dasi pol su ittdamyeon
i kinagin kidoga, neoreul doedollim su ittdamyeon

cheonhal su eopseottdeon, kaseum sok kip'eun kot kadeukhaettdeon
malhaji, mothan mal....

keuttaeneun malhalke.... neol sarange...!

haru tan haruman
nae soni neoui nunmuleul takkeul suman ittdamyeon
keuttaeneun malhalke...
you are my everything...

majimak yonggireul padajweo...


It was edited whew.

I peel my gaze away from it, it's something I still yet cannot forget
it's something that continuously eked out from inside you
Time will draw out a resolution, even comfort of friends won't do
your questionable memory is just not enough
it's making endlessly repeating trip, I find I'm searching once again....
your voice is inprinted in the wind, it's something I must forget

Day after day, without you each day
memories, just like they were yesterday
It's so very difficult, but...
one day, just one more day
if only I could be there once more to wipe away your tears
then tell you... you're my everything

I cannot forget those past memories, hiding in the long nights
when cruel time stops
I couldn't keep up with all the promises, they continuously accumulated dust
trans lation by genesis at soompi forums ect
my soaking tears has mysteriously them wiped clean

Within the plenteous crowds among everyday, I find I'm searching once again
'I loved you' was on my voice, it's something I must forget...

Day after day, without you each day
memories, just like they were yesterday
It's so very difficult, but...
one day, just one more day
if only I could be there once more to wipe away your tears
then tell you... you're my everything

within the crossroads of destiny, are the shredded fragments of that dream
I wish I could bring you back again!

one day, just one more day, if i could only see you again
the long prayer I make if to only bring you back

I can't move on, deep within my heart where it was once full
I should have said it, but I was unable to say
then, I'll tell you now, I love you ~

One day, just one more day
if only I could be there once more to wipe away your tears
then tell you... you're my everything

Let me have the last of my courage...


o4. Obsess (중독…)


마치 잠이 덜깬듯 꿈속에서 너만을 헤매
반짝이던 너를 찾아가 (기억속에 모습처럼)
독한 술에 (취한듯) 하루하루 날보며 (그녈 잊어)
다시한번 너를 (갖고 싶어 girl)

I can 바라만 볼수있던 것도
다른 남잘 보고 있어도 상관없었는데
점점 너를 원해가 미치게만해

Im obsessed with you wanna be with you
나에겐 니가 너무 so good so good girl
Im obsessed with you gonna be with you
점점 빠져빠져가

밝게 빛나는 아름다운 눈을 가진널 묶어두고 싶어
네개만 점점 죄어오는 girl
너는 내게 다가온 신이 내려주는 시련처럼
아프고 써도 놓을수 없는 girl

I can 너에게 주고 싶었던 내맘
다른남잘보고 있어도
상관없었는데 점점 너를 원해가 미치게만해 no~

Im obsessed with you wanna be with you
나에겐 니가 너무 so good so good girl
Im obsessed with you gonna be with you
점점더 빠져빠져가

watch this 오늘도 너를 I'm so miss
지금 입술 I'm need you kiss
너를 기다리는 what this that's I want the trust
baby 지쳐가 너란 여잔 나에게 All my pain
매번 내게서 너는 go away
심장 너없인 can't take another day

너를 볼수록 gonna be crazy
보는 너의 맘속엔 없는건지

Im obsessed with you wanna be with you
나에겐 니가 너무 so good so good girl
Im obsessed with you gonna be with you
점점 빠져빠져가

Im obsessed with you wanna be with you
나에겐 니가 너무 so good so good girl
Im obsessed with you gonna be with you
점점 빠져빠져가


o4. Obsess (중독…)


mach'i chami teolkkaendeut kkumsogeseo neomaneul hemae
panjjakideon neoreul ch'ajaga (kieoksoge nae moseupch'eoreom)
tokhan sule (ch'wihandeut) haruharu nalboyeo (keunyeol ijeo)
dasihanbeon neoreul (ka''go sip'eo, girl~)

I CAN paraman porsuittdeon keotdo nan
tareun namjal pogo isseodo sanggwaneopseottneunde wae
cheomjeom neoreul weonhaega nal mich'ikemanhae

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga

parkge pit''naneun areumdaun nuneul kajinneol mukkeodugo sip'eo
negaeman cheomjeom teo nal choe-eo-oneun, GIRL
neoneun naege tagaon sini naeryeojuneun siryeonch'eoreom
ap'eugo sseodo noheulsu eoptneun GIRL~

I CAN neo-ege chugo sip'eottdeon naemam
tareun namjalbogo isseodo
sanggwaneopseottneunde, wae chomjeom neoreul weonhaega nal
mich'igemanhae, NO~!

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga

WATCH THIS, oneuldo nan neoreul, I'm so miss
chigeum nae ipsul, I'm need you, KISS
neoreul kidarineun na, what's this, that's I want the trust
romani zation by genesis at soompi forums ect
baby, nan jich'yeoga neoran yeojan na-ege ALL MY PAIN
maebeon naegeseo neoneun GO AWAY
nae simjang neo-eopsin, can't take another day...

neoreul porsurok, GONNA BE CRAZY
nal poneun neoui mamsoge nan eoptneungeonji~

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga



As if I were rousing from sleep, straying from a dream of only you
you came to me shining (just like how I remember it)
such strong liquor (I'm so drunk) getting by everyday (I gotta forget her)
Just one more time I... (I want to have you girl)

I can only see, I observe it too
I don't care if you look at another man, why...
I only want you more, and it's only driving me crazier

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

I want to lock into those sparkling, bright and beautiful eyes of yours
you're tightening around me harder and harder, girl
You came to me as if like something the gods sent down on probation
I'm so sick but I cannot let go

I can~ I wanted to give you my heart
you can even see other men. I won't care, oh why...
I only want you more, and it's only driving me crazier

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

Watch this, even today I miss you so much
Now my lips need your kiss
I'm waiting on you, what is this, I want the truth
trans lation by genesis at soompi forums
baby, I'm tired, all this woman is to me is pain
So many times you've gone away
without you my heart cannot take another day

When I see you, gonna be crazy
look at me, am I not in your heart?

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...




한여름 눈속
비춰진 초록별로
우린 서로 사랑을 피웠지

밤하늘 별들처럼
빛나는 초록별들 모습
너무나 사랑스럽다고

우리 함께한 순간도
우리가 함께한 약속도
우리가 함께할 시간모두
영원히 지켜가기로

,,하나 Go

별이 되어
세상 어디라해도
언제까지나 너희들을 비춰줄게

24/7 from monday to sunday nignt
우리와 함께 행복할거야

웃게 하는것도
울게 하는것도
바로 너야 내곁에 있어

누가 뭐라해도
변하지 않는 가지
우리의 사랑은 영원히 함께해

항상 빛나는 별처럼
우리가 함께할 시간들

밝게 비춰줄게 영원히
소중한 초록별 내사랑

별이 되어 이세상 어디라해도
언제까지나 너희들을 비춰줄게
24/7 from monday to sunday nignt
우리와 함께 행복할거야

너희들의 사랑이 고마워
사랑해 우린 맹세해
All for you

별이 되어 이세상 어디라해도
언제까지나 너희들을 비춰줄게
24/7 from monday to sunday nignt
우리와 함께 행복할거야

One more time!

밤하늘 높이 너희가 어디라해도
언제까지나 너희들을 비춰줄게
24/7 from monday to sunday nignt
우리와 함께 행복할거야

우리와 함께

o5. 완.두.콩. - GREEN PEASE


hanyeoreum nae nunsoge, pich'weojin ch'orokbyeollo
urin seoro sarangeul p'iweottji

bamhaneul byeoldeulch'eoreom, pit''naneun ch'orokbyeoldeul moseup
neomuna sarangseurepdago~

uri hamkkehan sungando, uriga hamkkehan yaksokdo
tto uriga hamkkehal siganmodu, yeonweonhi jik'yeokagiro hae

set, dul, hana... go~

cheo byeoli doe-eo, i sesang eodirahaedo
eonjekkajina neohuideureul pich'weojurke
24/7, from Monday to Sunday night~
uriwa hamkke haengbokhalkeoya

nal utge haneungeotdo, nal ulge haneungeotdo
paro neoya neul naekyeot'e isseo

keu niga mweorahaedo, pyeonhaji anhneun han kaji
uriui sarangeun yeongweonhi hamkkehae
romani zation by genesis at soompi forums
hangsang pit''naneun byeolch'eoreom, uriga hamkkehal sigandeul

teo parkge pich'weojurke yeongweonhi
sojunghan ch'orokbyeol nae sarang~

cheo byeoli doe-eo, i sesang eodirahaedo
eonjekkajina neohuideureul pich'weojurke
24/7, from Monday to Sunday night~
uriwa hamkke haengbokhalkeoya

neohuideului sarangi komaweo, saranghae urin maengsehae
All for you~

cheo byeoli doe-eo, i sesang eodirahaedo
eonjekkajina neohuideureul pich'weojurke
24/7, from Monday to Sunday night~
uriwa hamkke haengbokhalkeoya

One more time~!
bamhaneul nop'i neohuiga eodirahaedo
eonjekkajina neohuideureul pich'weojurke
24/7, from Monday to Sunday night~
uriwa hamkke haengbokhalkeoya

urinwa hamkke... haengbokhalkeoya~



One summer, in my eyes
Shines a green star, You
We, to each other, our love blossomed

Like the stars in the night sky
Sparkling green star
That look is so very lovely

And every one of the moments that we’re together
And every one of the promises that we made
Also, every hour that we’re together
All of it
Forever, we will hold on to

I want to become a star
Wherever on this earth
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy

And as I cry
And as I laugh
None other than you, always at my side

And whoever can say whatever (they want)
Unchanging, one and the same
Our love will be together forever

Always, like sparkling stars
In all the time that we are together
Will shine even more brightly
Precious green star
My love

I want to become a star
Wherever on this earth
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy

(All of you) your love, thank you
We swear we love you
All for you

I want to become a star
Wherever on this earth
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy

High up in the sky, no matter where you all are
No matter at what time
(I want to) shine for you all
24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
Together with us, (you) will be happy

Together with us

Will be happy